English for Specific Purposes and Humour

Shaeda Isani and Michel Van der Yeught (eds) – 2023

Shaeda Isani and Michel Van der Yeught (eds). English for Specific Purposes and Humour. ISBN : 978-1-5275-9205-6. Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023.

This volume investigates the mechanisms and psychosocial aspects of humour related to specialised work environments, and foregrounds its role as one of the building blocks that shape the discourse, culture and identity of specialised communities. Through a cross-disciplinary approach, the book brings together an international team of authors using state-of-the art research to analyse the varieties, characteristics and functions of humour in and across a wide range of specialised fields, including law, policing, banking, marketing, and mental health, among many others.

English for specific purposes (ESP) researchers will appreciate the rich, multi-faceted explorations of the volume and the new insights it offers with regard to various fields of investigation. ESP teachers and learners will find the abundant examples of specialised workplace humour a valuable teaching and learning support to help access the ethos of specialised domains and enrich, and stimulate the dynamics of classroom practices.
