Aix-Marseille Université fait partie de CIVIS – Une Université Civique Européenne : civis.eu
CIVIS est une alliance de 11 partenaires :
Aix-Marseille Université (Aix-en-Provence et Marseille, France), Université nationale et capodistrienne d’Athènes (Athènes, Grèce), Université libre de Bruxelles (Bruxelles, Belgique), Université de Bucarest (Bucarest, Roumanie), Université de Glasgow (Glasgow, Royaume-Uni), Université de Lausanne (Lausanne, Suisse), Université autonome de Madrid (Madrid, Espagne), Université La Sapienza de Rome (Rome, Italie), Paris Lodron Université de Salzbourg (Salzbourg, Autriche), Université de Stockholm (Stockholm, Suède), et Université Eberhard Karls de Tübingen (Tübingen, Allemagne).
Projets LERMA lauréats de CIVIS
Projet pluriannuel d’école d’été CIVIS (public masterants et doctorants) « Transitive Modernities/Modernisms in Transit » en partenariat avec cinq universités internationales et porté pour le LERMA par Anne Reynès-Delobel
“Transitive Modernities/ Modernisms in Transit” is a CIVIS-funded interdisciplinary five-day summer school will be held in June 2021 at Aix-Marseille Université. This CIVIS summer school will explore modernist trajectories across Europe and the Mediterranean. An intensive 5-day course, it will expose students to a variety of perspectives and help them understand the role transnational connections and dialogues in (re)shaping modern social and individual civic responsibility though critical readings and discussion, seminars and guest lectures. The programme will be delivered by a pool of experts working in the fields of history, literature, the visual arts, geography, philosophy, and semiotics. Non-academic experts will also be invited to deliver talks and participate in roundtables with a view to stimulating an awareness of the role of institutional mediators in facilitating cultural transitivity across borders. Students will gain critical skills through active participation in the seminars and roundtables as well as visits to local cultural institutions. By the end of the course, students will have learned to apply research methodologies and theoretical frameworks to a wide variety of issues across national cultural and political boundaries. The “Transitive Modernities, Modernisms in Transit” intensive summer school invites MA and PhD. students working in various fields across the humanities, including Art History and Theory, Literary Studies, Philosophy, Cultural Theory, Geography, and Linguistics. For the first edition of the programme, Aix-Marseille Université joins forces with the University of Athens, the University of Bucharest, Sapienza Università di Roma, Stockholm University and the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen.For further information (course syllabus, credits information, conditions of application), please contact Anne Reynes-Delobel, LERMA UR 853 and Stamitina Dimakopoulou (UoA)
BIP Transitive Modernities : https://transitmod.hypotheses.org/