Luc Capdevila and Michael Stricof (eds). Defense and Internal Security in the Americas. IdeAs. Idées d’Amérique, 20 | 2022. DOI: 10.4000/ideas.13205
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Defense in the Americas has been conceived since the 19th century at global, continental, national and local scales. However, the hemispheric dimension of defense is unique to the Americas. It is a fact that organizes inter-American and international relations, in which asymmetrical power has created major tensions and conflicts for two centuries. The other fact that characterizes the history of defense in the Americas is that it is simultaneously at the intersection of global and local scales, taking form in a structural articulation between defense and internal security.
The articles in this issue tackle defense and internal security by studying institutions and groups, definitions of external and internal enemies and links between security and economy. The question of the relationship between politics and military forces is raised throughout, sometimes explicitly in terms of civil-military relations, or between business interests and defense. Similarly, how security is conceived or defined by political and military groups is one of the main topics of the issue. As the articles demonstrate, these relationships and links are often most evident in border areas or during periods of political upheaval or after unexpected violence brings new threats into view.
Luc Capdevila and Michael Stricof
Defense and Internal Security in the Americas (introduction)
Andrés Zambrano
Adriana Barreto de Souza
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Matias Sanchez Barberan
Ibrahim Bechrouri
Guerre intestine ou querelle de clocher ? Le FBI et le NYPD après le 11 septembre 2001
Cléa Fortuné
María José Rodríguez Rejas
David G. Haglund
Charles Capela
Mario Ranalletti
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