
jeudi 06 juillet 2023 - vendredi 07 juillet 2023    
Toute la journée

L’acte autobiographique chez les romanciers nord-américains :

Irruption de la non-fiction

North-American Novelists’ Autobiographical Acts:

Nonfictional Disruptions

Sophie Vallas (Aix-Marseille Université, LERMA)

Arnaud Schmitt (Université de Bordeaux, CLIMAS)


L’acte autobiographique chez les romanciers nord-américains :

irruption de la non-fiction

North American Novelists’ Autobiographical Acts: Nonfictional Disruptions


Thursday 6 July 2023

9.00: Welcome coffee and opening of the conference


Chair: Arnaud Schmitt

9.30-10.00 : Claudine Raynaud (Pr emerita, University Paul Valery-Montpellier, France) : “‘Like a hog under an acorn tree?’ Probing the Thwarted Fate of Hurston’s Dust on Tracks on a Road (1942)”

10.00-10.30 : Lucas Cantinelli (PhD student, Aix Marseille University, France): “‘The prison of ‘I’: autobiography as contradiction in Toni Morrison’s writings”


10.45-11.15 : Beatrice Mousli (Pr, USC Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, USA): “Autofiction in Louise Erdrich’s The Sentence

11.15: discussion



Chair: Claudine Raynaud

 14.00-14.30 : Héloïse Thomas (PRAG, University Bordeaux-Montaigne, France): “Life, Writing, and the Pursuit of Queerness: Queered Autobiographies as Ars Poetica for Fiction”

14.30-15.00 : David Lombard (PhD student, University of Liège, Belgium) : “Exploring the Rhetorics and Narratologies of the Contemporary American Environmental Memoir and Novel: the Case of the Sublime”


15.15-15.45 : Adriana Haben (PRAG, Dr, University Toulouse-Jean Jaurès, France): “‘More interested in life than in art’: James Agee’s works, at the intersection of documentary and autobiography”

15.45 : discussion

 Dinner in town

Friday 7 July 2023


Chair: Sylvie Mathé

 9.30-10.00 : Tanya Tromble (PRAG, Dr, Aix-Marseille University, France): “To what extent is Oates’s life reflected autobiographically in her fiction?”

10.00-10.30 : Agnieszka Rzepa (Pr, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland): “‘Water is the first thing in my imagination … Water is the first thing in my memory’: Drifting with Dionne Brand”


10.45-11.15 : Anne Myrup-Green (Writer and Post-Doctoral Student, Aarhus University), “Hemingway’s Rewriting of the Literary History of the Lost Generation”


Farewell drink