Linda Pillière, Diana Lewis, Wilfrid Andrieu and Valérie Kerfelec (eds.) –Standardisation and Variation in English Language(s) –
E-rea 15.2
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Table of contents
- Linda PILLIÈRE et Diana LEWIS Revisiting standardisation and variation
- Elaina FRULLA Noah Webster and the standardization of sound
- Florent MONCOMBLE The deviant syntax of headlinese and its role in the pragmatics of headlines
- Christelle LACASSAIN-LAGOIN On the margins of perception – TO-clauses: a standard construction of perception verbs?
- Isabelle GAUDY-CAMPBELL Margin within margin: a morphosyntactic approach of ain’t versus innit
- Jean MISSUD On the margins of standard compounding: the phrasal compound adjective playing with the norms
- Jim WALKER “We’ve only missed an emergent phenomenon in Standard British English!”: the mirative ONLY in contemporary colloquial English
- Morana LUKAČ What is the difference between thus and thusly?
- Patrice LARROQUE With grammar you “go by feel”
- Michael PERCILLIER The non-standard in writing: A look at West African and Southeast Asian literature
- Joan C. BEAL ‘Back to the future’: The ‘new prescriptivism’ in twenty-first-century Britain