PhD student

PhD Student

Institut des Amériques Fellow at UT Austin (Texas Pole)



US foreign policy, diplomatic history, international relations, decision-making, military interventions, US civilization.

Centuries of Study

20th-21st centuries.

Formal Education

MA in English, specialization in cultural studies (AMU), 2022.

Second-year thesis : La guerre d’Irak : Tentative préventive de réaffirmation de l’hégémonie états-unienne. Advisor: Isabelle Vagnoux.

First-year thesis : The Making of President Johnson’s Decision to Escalate the American Involvement in Vietnam. Advisor: Isabelle Vagnoux.

LLCER degree (BA) – English (Avignon Université), 2018.

Dissertation Title

The Role of Military Force in Post-Cold War American Foreign Policy, 1989-2017.

Dissertation Advisor

Isabelle Vagnoux (AMU, LERMA).

Dissertation Summary

The goal of this dissertation is to study through which processes and for what reasons the United States has used military power from the end of the Cold War to the end of Barack Obama’s second term (1989-2017). Our aim would first be to study American foreign policy interests and strategies (military and economic hegemony, domestic and international politics), before moving on to the different ways in which the country can use its military power (“indirect” support, “limited” or direct interventions). Finally, we will analyze the American decision-making process when it comes to interventions abroad (the role of the executive, of Congress, of the American people, and how they interact with each other). The final purpose of this project would be to draft a pattern that would allow for the analysis of the American answer to various post-Cold War foreign crises depending on the many factors and actors that play a role in the decision-making process. This work could thus be useful to analyze and better understand how the United States has responded to foreign crises in the past and how it may respond to them in the future.


Post-Cold War, foreign policy, military interventions, decision-making.