Doctor under PRAG contract (AMU PhD graduate)

Doctor under PRAG contract  (AMU PhD graduate)



British History

Diaries and Puritan lives of the 17th century

Mapping Multifaith London: active member of the collaboration between LERMA and Queen Mary University, London to create a cartographic representation of the places of spiritual activity in London. Movements covered include all non-conformist Protestant groups, Quakers and Catholics, but not he established church.

Siècles d’étude

17th and 18th centuries

Doctoral Thesis

Puritan diaries of the seventeenth century (1640-1688): writing ministerial experience under the direction of Professor Anne Page, defended 16th December 2023.

Other Qualifications

2016-2017 Master 2 Recherche (Mention Très Bien) ACMA (Culture of the English-speaking World) at Aix Marseille Université.
Dissertation: The Entring Book of Roger Morrice and Restoration London. Jury: Anne Page and Laurence Sterritt.

2015-2016 Master 1 Recherche (Mention Bien) ACMA , AMU.
Dissertation : The Core Value of GET. Jury: Linda Pillière et Claire Sorin.

BA in Electrical Sciences (Cambridge University)

“Living out nonconformity: Restoration ministers and their diaries”, in Anne Dunan-Page, Laurence Lux-Sterritt and Tessa Whiteouse (eds), Reconstructing Early-Modern Lives: The Exemplary and the Mundane, E-rea 18.1 | 2020, http://journals.openedition.org/erea/10807 ; DOI : https://doi.org/10.4000/erea.10807

“Continuity after the 1662 Act of Uniformity: The Case of Godly Ministerial Diaries”, Ecclesiastical History Society, Postgraduate Colloquium, Rouen (May 2021)

Research blog articles
Dissenting Experience, a research blog on the history, literature and culture of British dissenters from the 16th to the 18th century: https://dissent.hypotheses.org/category/ministerial-diaries

Mapping Multifaith London, a research blog accompanying a collaborative project to provide a cartographic representation of the non-established religious movements in London in the 18th century : https://mml.hypotheses.org/949


L3: Era of Revolutions, 16th to 18th century
L1: Media Literacy and Disunited Kingdom, 21st century
SFAD: Analyse d’Image
L1: Advanced linguistics and translation

L2: Applied language

L2-Masters: The History and Ideas of the Ancient World

Empire, Society and Modernity XXe
Era of Revolutions, XVI-XVIIe
Disunited Kingdom XXIe
Analyse d’images
Grammar and Translation
History and Ideas of the Ancient World

Empire, Society and Modernity XXe
Disunited Kingdom XXIe
Analyse d’images
Grammar and Translation
History and Ideas of the Ancient World

Empire, Society and Modernity XXe
Disunited Kingdom XXe
Introduction to British Civilisation (CM)
Analyse d’images
Grammar and Translation
History and Ideas of the Ancient World
British Politics and Culture XXIe

Media Literacy
Disunited Kingdom
Analyse d’images
Grammar and Translation
Themes in British Life

Media Literacy
Disunited Kingdom XXIe
Empire, Society and Modernity XIX-XXe
Traduction : Thème littéraire XIXe et XXe

Lecture de Presse
Thème Journalistique
Victoria to Attlee
Brexit, the UK and Europe XX-XXIe
Angleterre des XVI et XVIIe siècles