CHANE Camille

PhD student

PhD student 

ATER at Aix-Marseille Université



  • Film & media studies
  • Representation
  • Animation and cartoons
  • Asian American studies
  • Racial stereotyping
  • Linguistic ideology

Doctoral student

Camille Chane (he/him) is a 5th year doctoral student. He is working on a dissertation under the supervision of Prof. Sébastien Lefait (LERMA) and Prof. Sandrine Sorlin (EMMA, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3).

Dissertation title: East Asian representation in American cartoons: constructing the racial stereotype through the yellowface and yellowvoice performance, 1915–1973
(in French, Représenter l’Extrême-Oriental dans le dessin animé états-unien : yellowface et yellowvoice dans la construction du stéréotype racial est-asiatique, 1915–1973)