Lecturer/Assistant Professor
Member of HVL (Histoire(s) et vies des littératures/History and Lives of Literatures).
Member of the Hépistea project, the Dictionary of the History and Epistemology of English Studies in France.
Head of the French language assistant program for English-speaking countries (Australia, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Rwanda, United Kingdom, United States) of the English department of Aix-Marseille université.
- 20th and 21st American literature
- Experimental literature (Brian Evenson, Robert Coover, Ben Marcus, Laird Hunt, Ben Lerner, Blake Butler, Babak Lakghomi, Steve Tomasula)
- Aesthetics of reception
- Affect theory
- Metafiction and metatextuality (in hybrid bodies of work, prose and poetry)
- Posthumanity and genre literature
- Literature and philosophy (Jacques Derrida)
- Literature and digital space (Corecore)
- 2018 Ph.D in English studies/American literature. “Aesthetics of reticence in Brian Evenson’s work.” Université de Rouen. Thesis supervisor: Pr. Anne-Laure Tissut.
- 2012 Agrégation d’anglais
- 2011 Master (Research) in American literature (Sorbonne Université)
- 2009 Licence LLCE Anglais (Sorbonne Université)
- The Short Story
- Personal Reading
- Critical Approach of Literary Texts – American Literature
- British and American Gothic and their Legacy (Lansad)
- Literary Translation (version and thème)
- History of American Literature / Text Analysis
- American Literature from the Revolution to Today
- Introduction to British and American Literature
- Coming-of-Age Fiction
- Shakespearean drama and its adaptations
Peer-reviewed articles
- ‘When she awoke, a shower of raw flesh had fallen in the field.’ Profusion et déliquescence dans « Any Corpse » de Brian Evenson./Profusion and deliquescence in ‘Any Corpse’ from Brian Evenson., Revue française d’études américaines, 2019/3 (N° 160), Paris, Belin, p. 187-199, URL : https://www.cairn.info/revue-francaise-d-etudes-americaines-2019-3-page-187.htm.
- Ré-ancrer la langue ? « Moran’s Mexico: A Refutation By C. Stelzmann » de Brian Evenson/Re-mooring language? “Moran’s Mexico: A Refutation by C. Stelzmann.”, “Unmoored Languages”, 5|2020, Lectures du Monde Anglophone, URL : http://publis-shs.univ-rouen.fr/eriac/index.php?id=756.
- Reception and the Real in 20th and 21st Century American Short Fiction: Robert Coover’s “The Babysitter” (1969), Ben Marcus’s “Cold Little Bird” (2018) and Brian Evenson’s “Born Stillborn” (2019)., Représentations dans le monde anglophone, volume « The Real in Fiction », CEMRA, Université de Grenoble Alpes, Septembre 2022, p. 149-171, URL : https://representations.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/IMG/pdf/11_bougerol.pdf.
Chapters in books
- Résister à la fin, The Din of Celestial Brids de Brian Evenson/Poetics of resistance in Brian Evenson’s The Din of Celestial Birds, in Bauer, Sylvie, Lechevalier-Bekadar, Nawelle et Tréguer, Florian (dir.), Brian Evenson : L’Empire de la cruauté, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, « Interférences », 2021, p. 157-171.
- ‘Bodies, streetlights, mixed media’: 10:04 and the mediated experience. Actes du Colloque International Ben Lerner (« “Let me walk to the edge of genre” — Poetry, fiction, Artistic Collaborations ») organisé par Yannicke Chupin, Karim Daanoune, Daniel Katz et Anne-Laure Tissut, à paraître.
- “Percival Everett: Theory, Philosophy and Fiction”, guest-edited with Anne-Laure Tissut, Lectures du monde anglophone, 6 | 2024, URL : http://publis-shs.univ-rouen.fr/eriac/index.php?id=940.
- Colloque international « L’œuvre de Brian Evenson, Transatlantica [En ligne], 2 | 2015, mis en ligne le 31 mai 2016. URL : http://transatlantica.revues.org/7658.
- Fiction Rescues History: Don DeLillo Conference in Paris, Transatlantica [En ligne], 1 | 2016, mis en ligne le 04 février 2017. URL : http://transatlantica.revues.org/8181.
- Saying Almost the Same Thing”: Babak Lakghomi’s experiential permutation in Floating Notes (2018), “New Iranian-American Writing” Panel, Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture, University of Louisville, Kentucky, February 2025.
- Genre Trouble in the Paratext: the Example of Blake Butler’s memoir Molly (2023), Autobiography within the Paratext : Fiction and Nonfiction Challenged by Autobiographical Paratexts, symposium organized by Sophie Vallas and Arnaud Schmitt, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, November 2024.
- Writing and Difference Today: Contemporary American Fiction and the Aesthetics of Discrepancy, Derrida Today International Conference, organized by Nicole Anderson, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, June 2024.
- From hermeneutics to epistemology: Laird Hunt’s The Impossibly or, the metatextual reading experience, International Conference: Experiencing History in Laird Hunt’s Fiction, organized by Anne-Julie Debare and Anne-Laure Tissut, Université Paris-Est Créteil, January 2024.
- ‘Bodies, streetlights, mixed media’: 10:04 and the mediated experience, International Ben Lerner Conference: ““Let me walk to the edge of genre” — Poetry, fiction, Artistic Collaborations”, organized by Yannicke Chupin, Karim Daanoune, Daniel Katz and Anne-Laure Tissut, University of Chicago in Paris/Université Paris Cité, June 2023.
- Raising the voice of the text: metafictional reading of Robert Coover’s rewriting of the fairy tales and of the figure of the storyteller in Brian Evenson’s Work, Annual Conference of the French Association of American Studies, Université de Dijon, “The voice of the literary text” panel, organized by Christelle Ha Soon-Lahaye and Anne-Laure Tissut, May 2023.
- “When she awoke, a shower of raw flesh had fallen in the field.” Profusion and deliquescence in Brian Evenson’s ‘Any Corpse’, Annual Conference of the French Association of American Studies, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, “The Future of wonder, poetics of degradation” panel, organized by Jean-Yves Pellegrin and Anne-Laure Tissut, May 2019.
- Re-mooring language? “Moran’s Mexico: A Refutation by C. Stelzmann“, “Unmoored Languages” symposium, organized by Oriane Monthéard and Anne-Laure Tissut, Université de Rouen, November 2017.
- ‘I am the outside made manifest’: Internalization of the conquest in Brian Evenson’s The Warren, Annual Conference of the French Association of American Studies, Université de Strasbourg, “The pursuit of happiness: the day after” panel, organized by Eléonore Forest and Yvonne-Marie Rogez, June 2017.
- Post-human Wandering in Brian Evenson’s Work: Circularity and Annihilation, Annual Conference of the French Association of American Studies, Université de Toulouse, “The end of the world in the United States” panel, organized by Eléonore Forest and Yvonne-Marie Rogez, June 2016.
- Poetics of Resistance in Brian Evenson’s The Din of Celestial Birds, Brian Evenson international conference, organized by Sylvie Bauer, Nawelle Lechevalier-Bekadar and Florian Tréguer, Université Rennes 2, May 2015.
- Cults in Brian Evenson’s Fiction, Annual Conference of the French Association of American Studies, Université d’Angers, “Mystics of language in contemporary American fiction” panel, organized by Karim Daanoune and Anne-Laure Tissut, May 2013.
Panels organized at conferences
- Empowered/ing Voices: Power Plays in the Literary Text, Annual Conference of the French Association of American Studies, Université d’Aix-Marseille, May 2024. Co-organization with Christelle Ha-Soon Lahaye (Université Versailles/Saint Quentin).
- Hyphenated Literatures : New American Identities, Annual Conference of the French Association of American Studies, Université de Lille, May 2021. Co-organization with Anne-Laure Tissut (Université de Rouen).
Papers given at seminars
- Work in Progress: Researching Ultra-contemporary Fiction in 2025, Research presentation at the HVL seminar, Aix-Marseille Université, January 2025.
- Experimentation in Ultra-contemporary American Literature: Aesthetics of Discrepancy, Research presentation at the LERMA seminar, Aix-Marseille Université, October 2024.
- Resisting the ending in Brian Evenson’s Work, OVALE doctoral seminar, Sorbonne Université, juin 2015.
- Details and Rifts in Brian Evenson’s Fiction, ERIAC doctoral seminar, Université de Rouen, mai 2014.
- ‘Young Transatlantic Poetry’ Roundtable with Abigail Lang, Léon Pradeau and Tancrède Rivière at the Paris Journal Fair — October 2024.
- Conversation with Allie Rowbottom upon the release of the French translation of her novel Aesthetica (Fayard, 2024; Soho Press, 2022) at the anglophone bookstore The Red Wheelbarrow (Paris) — August 2024.