PhD student

PhD student 

  • ATER
  • Doctoral Representative

Contact Details:

Research Areas

Film studies, science fiction, cultural perspectives on new technology, and the potential risks of artificial intelligence (AI).

Research Period

20th and 21st century

Additional Information

  • Member of the SAES (Société des Anglicistes de l’Enseignement Supérieur)
  • Member of SERCIA (Société pour l’Enseignement et la Recherche du Cinéma Anglophone)

Dissertation Title

Can studying science fiction films help us better understand the ethical challenges posed by advances in artificial intelligence (AI)?

Dissertation Advisor

Professor Sébastien LEFAIT (AMU, LERMA)

Dissertation Summary

This thesis examines how the study of science fiction films can help us explore the current risks associated with artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, with the goal of assessing potential future risks. By analyzing the portrayal of AI’s societal impact in these films, this research seeks to highlight the ethical challenges posed by AI technologies. As AI systems become more autonomous, more ethical questions arise, particularly in relation to current technologies such as smartphones, self-driving cars, chatbots, and autonomous weapons. Understanding AI’s societal implications is essential for humanity’s future, given the rapid pace of technological advancement and AI’s ability to transcend international borders. By integrating film theory with AI research, this project offers a multidisciplinary exploration of how cinema can deepen our understanding of AI’s potential societal effects. Ultimately, this thesis explores the intersection of film, AI, and ethics, aiming to provide insights into the potential dangers and ethical considerations of our increasingly AI-driven future, as seen through the lens of science fiction cinema.


Film studies; artificial intelligence (AI); ethical considerations; science fiction; risk assessment; societal impact


  • 2023 – 2024: ATER, Aix-Marseille Université
  • 2021 – 2023: Maître de Langue, Aix-Marseille Université
  • 2020 – 2021: Lecteur, Aix-Marseille Université


Master of Arts [Master 2] in philosophy; with a specialisation in the philosophy of mind, The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. July 2017 – July 2019

  • Dissertation topic : “Artificial Intelligence, Machines & Understanding: A Critique of John Searle’s Chinese Room Thought  Experiment”

Bachelor of Arts [Licence] with Honours [Master 1] in philosophy, The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. January 2013 – December 2016

  • Fourth year Honours dissertation title: “Artificial Intelligence : The Ethical Implications of Autonomous Cars”
  • Bachelor of Arts, with a triple major in philosophy, international relations and french.
  • “The Creator’s Dilemma, Cinematic Lessons for Real-World Challenges: A Global Approach to AI Regulation”. An analysis of the film, The Creator (2023), and an assessment of the challenges facing global AI regulation. 12th Stella Incognita Conference: When Science Fiction Changes the World… Hosted by Esprit Futur. Aix-Marseille University, Aix-en-Provence, France. 10th April 2024.
  • “Can the character, Ava, in the film Ex Machina, be considered as a conscious, moral agent ? An exploration into how artificial intelligence will affect the future.”, Esprit Futur (Episode 2: The Fabric of the Future), Aix-Marseille University, Aix-en-Provence, France. 17th of November 2022.

2023 – 2024

ATER au Département d’étude du monde anglophone (DEMA)

  • TD Anglais : Littérature et Adaptation, Licence 1, LLCER, 5 groupes (01h30)
  • TD Anglais Continuant 1, LANSAD, 1 groupe (02h30)
  • TD Civilisation : Analyse d’Images, Licence 1, LLCER, 4 groupes (01h30)

2022 – 2023

Maître de Langue, DEMA

  • TD Anglais : Culture 1 Compréhension, « Civilisation Britannique et Américaine », Licence 1, LEA, 1 groupe (01h00)  (Responsable de cours)
  • TD et SFAD Méthodologie de Travail Universitaire (MTU), Licence 1, LLCER, 1 groupe (02h00) (Responsable de cours)
  • TD Anglais Renforcé, Licence 1, LEA, 2 groupes (01h30) (Responsable de cours)
  • TD Anglais : Littérature et Adaptation, Licence 1, LLCER, 4 groupes (01h30)
  • TD Anglais pour des Psychologues, Licence 1, 4 groupes (02h00)
  • TD Anglais pour des Psychologues, Licence 3, 4 groupes (02h00)
  • TD Anglais Renforcement 2 (Sujet : « Dystopian Literature, Film & Technology »), LANSAD, 2 groupes
  • TD Anglais Continuant 1, LANSAD, 1 groupe
  • TD Civilisation : Analyse d’Images, Licence 1, LLCER, 2 groupes

2021 – 2022

Maître de Langue, DEMA

  • TD Anglais : Culture 1 Compréhension, « Civilisation Britannique et Américaine », Licence 1, LEA  (Responsable de cours)
  • TD et SFAD Méthodologie de Travail Universitaire (MTU), Licence 1, LLCER (Responsable de cours)
  • TD Anglais Renforcé, Licence 1, LEA (Responsable de cours)
  • TD Anglais Renforcement 2, LANSAD
  • TD Civilisation : Analyse d’Images, Licence 1, LLCER
  • TD Anglais : Littérature et Adaptation, Licence 1, LLCER

2020 – 2021

Lecteur, DEMA

  • TD Méthodologie de Travail Universitaire (MTU), Licence 1, LLCER                                                                                                                                              
  • TD Anglais : Culture 1 Compréhension, « Civilisation Britannique et Américaine », Licence 1, LEA                                                                              
  • TD LANSAD “Continuant 1“, LANSAD
  • TD Anglais : Langue 2 – Phonétique, Licence 1, LEA
  • NEO (Nouvel Espace Oralité, Soutien et Conversation en Anglais), Centre Formation des Langues (CFAL)