Britain after Brexit: geopolitical dislocations and realignments


Friday 24 September 2021    
Toute la journée

Britain after Brexit: geopolitical dislocations and realignments

Aix-Marseille University, Campus ALLSH, Bâtiment Le Cube (Le Plateau)

Aix-en-Provence, 24 September 2021

8h30 Introductory remarks

9h Keynote address

Prof. Philip Rycroft, former Permanent Secretary of the Department for Exiting the EU (DexEU, 2017-19) and head of UK governance in the Cabinet Office (2015-19), honorary professor Edinburgh University, and Distinguished Honorary Researcher at the Bennett Institute for Public Policy and POLIS, University of Cambridge.

‘Pathways to independence: will Scotland leave the UK?’

10h Andy Mycroft (University of Huddersfield), ‘Falling between three stools? Brexit and ‘Global Britain”

10h45 coffee break

11h15 Pauline Schnapper (Paris 3), Brexit: the view from France

12h pause déjeuner


14h Gilles Leydier (Université de Toulon), Geopolitics, national identity and Brexit: The case of Scotland

14h 45 Karine Bigand (AMU), Northern Ireland: post-Brexit prospects

Tea break

15h45 Valérie André (AMU), The ‘Singapore scenario’ for post-Brexit Britain

16h30 Matthew Graves (AMU), Britain’s wandering islands: rebordering after Brexit

17h Questions and concluding remarks